Do you know the first thing people observe about you when they meet you for the first time? Is it your clothes? No. Is it your personality? No. It is your smile! If you have an attractive and naturally beautiful smile, people will be drawn towards you. Unfortunately, people who have flawed smiles because of their stained or crooked teeth, are often perceived as being unattractive and less successful in their careers says the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.
If your teeth stains that are affecting your smile and facial aesthetics, no need to worry! Thanks to cosmetic dentistry, there are many ways in which you can get rid of your coffee tea stains. How? Continue reading to find out.
How To Remove Stains Between Teeth?
There are many ways in which you can get rid of tooth staining. Mainly, there are two options – at-home teeth whitening or professional teeth whitening done at the dentist. While you can find numerous whitening products like whitening strips, whitening toothpaste and whitening kits available in the markets which claim removing teeth stains in a single sitting. While these options may be effective to some extent, they may cause more harm than good – as most of them contain high concentrations of bleaching agents that can harm your teeth and gums. Therefore, it is always a good idea to seek professional help for removing stains of your teeth.
Tobacco-Stained Teeth Home Remedy?
If you search the internet, you may find numerous recipes or home remedies which claim to remove tobacco stains. No doubt, some of these remedies are effective. But many people do not know that while these home remedies can “magically” remove brown stained teeth, they are not safe. This is because most of these home-remedy formulae contain acids, which work by removing a thin layer of the enamel’s outer layer and the surface stains. With repeated home-remedy treatments, the enamel layer is destroyed, and the underlying sensitive layer, the dentin and pulp, is exposed, causing permanent tooth sensitivity.
Can I Whiten Teeth Overnight?
The whitening effect of the whitening kit or formula you use depends on the extent of your teeth’ staining. If you have mild coffee stained teeth, it may be possible to get rid of them overnight, or in a single sitting. However, if you have highly stained teeth caused by eating strong-coloured foods, you may require multiple sittings to achieve the desired effect. However, one thing is clear; dentists use highly concentrated yet safe whitening formulae, which offer better results in terms of the whitening effect. Therefore, if you are looking for rapid results, then you should go for professional overnight tooth whitening.
How To Whiten Teeth With Hydrogen Peroxide And Baking Soda?
Hydrogen peroxide is the active ingredients of most the at-home and professional whitening formulas used for whitening teeth. Chemically, hydrogen peroxide is very unstable – it breaks down quickly and reacts with the oral soft tissues to cause severe burns and injury. When dentists use hydrogen peroxide-based whitening agents, they coat the oral soft tissues, the cheeks, gums and the lips with a protective agent to prevent their accidental bleaching or injury. Unfortunately, when these formulae are used at home, sufficient protective measures are not taken, increasing the risk for soft tissue injury, including burns, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Similarly, baking soda, while generally safe to whiten teeth in lower concentrations, can prove harmful if used at higher concentrations. Therefore, teeth whitening should always be done under the supervision of a trained and experienced dentist.
How To Get Rid Of Red Wine Stains?
Wine stains are often very hard to remove using a conventional home remedy or whitening toothpaste, strips or gels. Perhaps, the most efficient method to get whiter teeth after red wine staining is a professional teeth whitening procedure. Today, dentists use a highly efficient whitening technique called the laser whitening. In this method, the whitening agent, usually, carbamide peroxide, is activated with a special light. The activated bleaching agent then penetrates beneath the surface of the teeth and chemically dissolve red wine, coffee or tea stains. You can also red wine-induced staining of your teeth by drinking afterwards, to let the saliva perform its cleansing action.
Are Stains On My Teeth Bad, Do They Lead To Decay?
Apart from their apparent cosmetic drawback, teeth stains can also cause other dental problems. Stained teeth have a roughened surface, which promotes plaque and tartar formation, leading to periodontal issues. Simultaneously, the bacteria present in the plaque increase local acidity, leading to the formation of teeth cavities. Therefore, tooth staining is not just a cosmetic problem; it can lead to a host of other issues if not treated properly.
How To Remove Black Stains From Teeth?
It is not necessary that black stains always occur due to tooth discolouration. Sometimes, teeth appear black due to underlying cavities. Another reason for the appearance of black triangles between two teeth is the recession of gums due to underlying periodontal inflammation. Making the hollow space appear black. In such situations, it is always a good idea to consult your dentist regarding the actual cause of your teeth discolouration before initiating any whitening treatment.
If you are looking to get you whitened in a safe and comfortable environment, under the supervision of experienced cosmetic dentists, then The Oxford Smiles Clinics is where you should go. Not only you will feel that you have whiter teeth in just one sitting, but you will also have minimal post-op sensitivity. Wait, there’s more! You can book a free consultation appointment with us today to make your dream of a charming, pearly white smile a reality.