Gum disease is one of the most prevalent oral health problems worldwide. According to the British National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, almost one in every two Brits suffer from gum disease. While the damage caused by gum disease extends beyond one’s oral health and facial aesthetics, the good news is that gum disease is treatable. More importantly, there are ways to treat early-stage gum disease – and even prevent it altogether – without going to the dentist. But how to cure gum disease without a dentist? You may ask! We will answer this question and many others in this blog. So, continue reading to learn more about gum disease treatment.
How Does Gum Disease Develop?
According to the British Society of Periodontology, gum disease is a condition in which harmful bacteria in plaque and tartar deposits on the teeth release toxins that damage the gums and associated tissues.
Gum disease starts when we ignore regular oral hygiene through brushing and flossing. This results in plaque deposits on our teeth that later hardens into tartar. Both tartar and plaque offer an ideal environment for harmful bacteria to utilise the sugars from them and release toxins that attack the gum tissues. Initially, only the gums become swollen and bleed spontaneously. Later, the jawbone gets damaged, causing the teeth to become mobile and ultimately fall off.
Is It Possible To Reverse Gum Disease Or Cure It?
Gum disease can be treated and reversed, particularly if it is diagnosed in the early stages. If someone has swollen, tender, and bleeding gums, they can simply reverse this condition by improving their oral hygiene routine through regular brushing and flossing. They may also consider using an over-the-counter mouthwash to ensure optimal teeth and gum cleaning.
In the later stages, at-home treatment may not be enough. Your dentist will perform professional teeth cleaning to remove the tartar deposits from your teeth and may advise an antibiotic to subside the infection. That is why, it is better to treat gum disease in its early stages before it requires expensive and time-consuming dental treatment.
What Are Common Treatments For Gum Disease?
The foremost and most effective remedy for gum disease is oral hygiene maintenance. When you clean your teeth and gums optimally, you prevent plaque and tartar formation, which are the building blocks of periodontal disease.
However, if the disease has progressed into an advanced stage, dental intervention will be needed in the form of professional teeth cleaning or deep cleaning. If there is extensive bone loss due to advanced periodontal disease, your dentist will perform bone grafting to restore optimal bone quality and health. Similarly, if someone has lost one or more teeth due to gum disease, their dentist will replace them with an implant-supported prosthesis.
How Do Dentists Treat Gum Disease?
Dentists treat gum disease by performing professional teeth cleaning. This procedure involves using an ultrasonic scaler. This is a device with a tip that vibrates at ultrasonic frequency and effectively removes plaque and tartar deposits from all tooth surfaces. If the disease has progressed into an advanced stage, your dentist will perform deep cleaning, also known as scaling and root planning. In this procedure, your dentist will not only clean the teeth but also go below the gumline to remove adherent plaque deposits.
Can Periodontitis Be Cured Without The Help Of A Dentist?
Yes, it is possible to cure gum disease during its early stages. By simply improving your oral hygiene routine by brushing twice a day, flossing at once daily, and using mouthwash, you can easily treat or reverse early-stage gum disease without going to the dentist.
How Can I Get Rid Of Gum Disease At Home?
The best way to fight gum disease at home is to improve one’s oral hygiene routine. Simply brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once daily, and you can save yourself from gum disease and its complications.
What Are Some Home Remedies For Gingivitis?
Besides oral hygiene care, many people try various home remedies to treat or prevent gingivitis. Some of these remedies are:
- Saltwater rinses
- Oil pulling
- Aloe vera mouthwash
- Lemon grass leaf mouthwash
- Guava leaf mouthwash
However, please note that not all these remedies have been scientifically proven effective and it is better to consult with your dentist before trying any at-home gum disease treatment remedy.
Can Rinsing With Salt Water Cure Gum Disease?
Dentists often ask patients with gum disease to do rinses with salt water. This is because salt water helps relieve inflammation and reduce the symptoms of periodontal disease. So yes, regular rinses with saltwater are helpful in reducing the severity of gum disease. However, severe gum disease may require additional treatment such as professional cleaning or antibiotic therapy.
How To Prevent Cavities And Gum Disease?
The best way to prevent gum disease and tooth decay is optimal oral hygiene maintenance, eating a tooth-friendly diet, and visiting your dentist regularly. All these preventive measures go a long way in keeping our mouths healthy. More importantly, good oral health enables one to enjoy good physical health and an active lifestyle.
Can Gum Disease Be Treated Without Surgery?
Not everyone with gum disease requires surgical treatment. For example, people with initial-stage gum disease can treat this problem by improving their oral health. However, those with moderate or severe gum disease may require surgical intervention through deep cleaning and root planning.
Are you looking for the best dentist in Didcot for gum disease treatment? Look no further! The Oxford Smiles Clinic is at your service. We take pride in having the best dentists in town with state-of-the-art facilities. We offer all types of general dentistry and specialist services, ranging from teeth straightening to cosmetic dentistry. So, book a free consultation with us today and let us take care of your entire family.